We Hyche's are crazy for Christmas. Here is "Sparky" decorating our casa Griswold style. I have to say (and not because I am biased) our house is the most lit up on the block. Drive by and honk if you like it....oh...except not after 8:00 because we don't want to wake up the baby!

Trimming the tree with Maya! We had so much fun, look at all of those ornaments. Che even got in on the action. It is so much fun having my partner in crime when it comes to tree decorating - it isn't Sparky's favorite Christmas activity - he prefers the outdoor decs.

What would Christmas be without
Its a Wonderful Life? Maya is trying it out, wonder how it tastes? Funny, I am just realizing as I type this that there is ALWAYS a dog (or two) in the background of my pictures!!